Social Engineering Toolkit
The social engineering toolkit is a program that already comes with Kali Linux. It allows one to study phishing attacks such as credentials harvesting, mass email phishing, and many more.
To use the program, open the program from the kali menu under Social Engineering Tools.
Then once it opens, you will see a similar menu.
After that, you will see seven (7) options. Select option one (1) by typing 1, and you will see the following menu. The new menu has eleven (11) choices. But in this demo, we will use option five (5) for a mass mailer attack.
Then we’ll get the following menu with three (3) options. The first one allows us to execute a phishing attack on a single email, and the second one will ask us to import a list of emails. We’ll select the first option and give the targeted email.
After providing a target, We’ll choose to give a Gmail address to send from or provide a server/relay.
After filling in the required data, we will choose between sending an email with high priority or not, sending a file attached, and an inline file. Then we’ll write a subject to your email and also write the body of your email.
Once we concluded, write END to finish the email and send it.
This type of phishing attack happens frequently. Sometimes it’s used to get illegal access to computers or rob the target by making them believe in a lie. Therefore don’t open emails or links that seem suspicious or are from strangers.
Do bear in mind that all information displayed in this post is solely for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used for illicit activities!